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Orientation Programme by Mr. Shankar Goenka on “ The Power of Whole Brain Thinking” in Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus

Jalandhar 23 August (Jaswinder Azad)- Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus organised a training programme on “The Power of Whole Brain Thinking”. The resource person for the programme was Mr. Shankar Goenka, CEO, Wow Factors, India. Mr. Goenka is a distinguished corporate trainer who has mentored and provided training to employees of prestigious organizations as  ONGC, Indian Oil,  OBC, and many more. The event started with lamp lighting ceremony. This was followed by Welcome Address by Director, Dr. Rajesh Bagga. Mr. Ahsan Ul Haq, President, Jalandhar Management Association introduced the resource person and shared his accomplishments. Mr. Goenka elucidated the concept of whole brain thinking. He explained that every individual has his or her own thinking preferences. He said that once we develop this understanding of thinking preferences, most of the problems in relationship can be sorted out. Once we realize our thinking preferences, this can be of great help to both individuals and organizations.
Mr. Goenka also discussed the traits of individuals who have left-brain dominance. He said that left-brained people are logical, thinkers, focused. He also discussed the characteristics of right-brained people. He said that such people are creative and imaginative. Mr. Goenka said that using the concept of whole brain thinking we can fully leverage one’s own thinking preferences, stretch to other quadrants when necessary, and adapt to and take advantage of the preferences of those around to improve performance and results. This was followed by one-to-one interaction of resource person with students, parents and teachers. The students posed many career related questions to him and he counseled them all. The session was also attended by faculty from other distinguished colleges.
Dr. Rajesh Bagga presented a memento to worthy resource person and in the end, Mr. Rajneesh Arya, Dean, School of Management Studies proposed vote of thanks. Dr. Rajesh Bagga in his address stated that such training programmes are beneficial not just for students but teachers and parents as well. As teachers, they get an understanding of individual differences and employ teaching styles that can cater to the needs of students with different learning abilities.
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