Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar initiated a campaign “Handful of grains”

Jalandhar 28 September (Jaswinder Azad)- NSS unit of Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar initiated a campaign “Handful of grains” to help the needy people of our society. Students and faculty members of the college tender heartedly collected a huge pile of food grains, pulses, cereals, sugar, tea leaves and non-perishable food items to distribute amongst the needy people. After gathering this huge collection with a touch of affection and kindness for the down trodden section of the society, the food grains were submitted to various charitable organizations like Goonj, Nari Niketan, Mother Teresa Missionary and orphanages of the district. In this annual activity of the NSS unit, Volunteers also sensitized the youth to share the basic necessities with the underprivileged and poor people without showing any frowns.
Principal Dr. Sucharita felt highly elated to see the zeal in youngsters for this noble cause and appreciated the NSS unit’s distinguished efforts in this regard. She said such activities make youngsters quite aware of their moral duties towards their society and help them in improving the status of their nation. She humbly appealed the youngsters to always come forward for such causes.
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