Jalandhar 23 June (Gurkirat Singh)- CT University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with University of Zambia to promote academic and research co-operation between the two institutes. S. Charanjit Singh Channi (Chancellor, CT University) and Prof. Luke E. Mumba (Vice Chancellor, University of Zambia) formally signed an agreement. Ms. Patricia M. Sakala (Manager International, University of Zambia) and Mr. Naresh Sharma (Assistant Director, International Affairs) exchanged the MOU on behalf of their respective organizations. Both the Universities entered into the MoU with the purpose of developing a framework to promote academic collaborations through exchange of students, academics and administrative personnel, conducting joint symposium, seminars, conferences, and workshops, promoting academic, cultural, sports and other co-curricular activities of common interest etc. The norms of the MoU also include joint research work, formulation of joint research projects, sharing of facilities, project/training work of students. Prof. Luke E. Mumba (Vice Chancellor, University of Zambia) said, “CT University has a lot of potential in providing best of the World Class facilities to students at their multi-facility campuses. We, at our University Campus are also striding on the same path.” He added, “CT University and UNZA are desirous to establish ties of friendship and cooperation for promotion quality education to students of their respective countries by possible academic, cultural, extra-curricular and personnel exchanges.” Dr. Harsh Sadawarti (Pro. Vice Chancellor, CT University) said, “CT University and UNZA both recognize that they have many common interests and there will be mutual benefits from collaboration and co-operation. We, jointly wish to standardize and formalize the relationship in order to provide consistency, and for the preparation and administration of programs. S. Charanjit Singh Channi (Chancellor, CT University) said, “This MoU will help to build the reputation in securing effective international research partnerships. This MOU would help our faculty members and students to explore the widen fields at national as well as International level. CT University is on the front foot in providing best of the facilities to our associates.”
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