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KMV organizes workshop on Life Skills

Jalandhar 1 September (Jaswinder Azad)- Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Autonomous & Heritage Institution, Jalandhar, a prestigious institution of women education in North India has always the strivers for the overall development of its students.  In keeping with this trend, PG Dept. of Commerce & Business Administration organized a Workshop on Life Skills for the students of B.Com Honours Semester I. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Manjit Singh, Dept. of Applied Management, Punjabi University, Patiala. The resource person explained the concepts of interpersonal relationships and team work by citing examples from real life situations. Various activities were conducted during the workshop on Interpersonal Relationships, Learning Team Skill and Identifying elements of team work. The students participated in all the activities enthusiastically and they also realized that their performance as a team was much better than their performance as individuals. The objective of the workshop was to inculcate team spirit amongst students which was appropriately achieved when all participants resolved to be together and work as a great KMV team. The resource person also made a very shocking revelation about the youth of India by quoting a report of World Bank which states that although India ranks amongst one of the top nations in terms of young population, yet their employability percentage is just 9%. The students gained a lot from this workshop and also addressed their queries to the resource person which were properly responded by the resource person. Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi appreciated the efforts of Dr. Neeraj Maini, Head, P.G. Dept. of Commerce for organizing such workshops and averred that this type of workshops are vital for the enhancement of employability skills in students.
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